
Mastering Brand Protection: Trademark Watching and the Dual Approach

  • Brand Protection
  • Trademark Solutions
Mastering Brand Protection: Trademark Watching and the Dual Approach

Duration: 45 minutes plus Q&A

In the dynamic world of brand protection, staying one step ahead is paramount. Watch our exclusive webinar where we explore the transformative potential of our leading Trademark Watching Solutions from both sides of the coin: from fortifying your trademark portfolio to safeguarding your brand.

Expert-led and AI-driven watches form Corsearch’s winning combination. Get the best of both AI and human analysts to deliver rapid, relevant watch notifications to cut through the noise and find global trademark filings and publications of marks that may be confusingly similar to yours.

What you’ll learn:

  • How watching fits into the brand protection ecosystem
  • The features of our collaborative watching solutions
  • Why expert analysts + TrademarkNow’s AI = the perfect defense
  • How and when to use AI-powered watching solutions
  • How to block out noise in your watch notices

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