
Corsearch Trademark Industry Report: Powered by TrademarkNow

  • Trademark Solutions
Corsearch Trademark Industry Report: Powered by TrademarkNow

New research provides an eagerly anticipated update to the Corsearch Trademark Industry Report, last published in 2017. The report shows that global filing activity remains strong across regions, indicating continuing investment in both innovation and brand protection. Filing patterns remained mostly consistent over the past two years, and the companies featured in the top 50 remained the same.

Corsearch’s latest webinar, Corsearch Trademark Industry Report: Supported by TrademarkNow’s 2nd generation AI, takes a look at how the report can inform IP strategies, help identify unexplored revenue opportunities, and provide early warning that your competitors are expanding into new markets. We also review key trends that have emerged from our research.

Featuring insights from industry expert, Stephen Stolfi, access our webinar to discover how the report:

  • Serves as a benchmark for law firms,
  • Provides insights on sectoral performance,
  • Helps in identifying growth vectors, and
  • Provides early warning of competitor activity.

Access the Recording