Platform Logins
Trademark Clearance
Screen, Search, and Watch
Clear and protect your trademarks with our integrated Screening, Search, and Watch Platform.
Preliminary Trademark Tools
TrademarkNow Platform
Rapidly screen and search new marks and logos with AI-powered trademark search tools.
Brand & Content Protection
Brand Protection (Zero)
Protect your reputation, profits, and customers from counterfeiting and infringement.
Brand Protection (Talisman)
Previously Incopro
Protect your reputation, profits, and customers from counterfeiting and infringement.
Previously Marketly
Increase the value of your content by reducing the visibility of piracy and maximizing traffic to authorized sources.
Previously Entura
Don’t just find copyright infringement — remove it. Investigate and enforce on all pirate networks and platforms.
Domain Management
Secure, manage and maintain your portfolio of domains.