
Old U.S. Trademark Classes

  • Trademark Solutions
Old U.S. Trademark Classes

Trademark applications filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) before September 1, 1973, were originally categorized according to a national classification system. International classes have since been assigned to all such registered marks, but the original U.S. classes are still also included in the database. For applications filed on and after September 1, 1973, a list of corresponding U.S. classes is generated automatically by the USPTO based on the international classes for the registration. 


Class Description 
Raw or partly prepared materials 
Baggage, animal equipments, portfolios, and pocket books 
Abrasives and polishing materials 
Chemicals and chemical compositions 
Smokers’ articles, not including tobacco products 
Explosives, firearms, equipments, and projectiles 
10 Fertilizers 
11 Inks and inking materials 
12 Construction materials 
13 Hardware and plumbing and steamfitting supplies 
14 Metals and metal castings and forgings 
15 Oils and greases 
16 Protective and decorative coatings 
17 Tobacco products 
18 Medicines and pharmaceutical preparations 
19 Vehicles 
20 Linoleum and oiled cloth 
21 Electrical apparatus, machines, and supplies 
22 Games, toys, and sporting goods 
23 Cutlery, machinery, and tools, and parts thereof 
24 Laundry appliances and machines 
25 Locks and safes 
26 Measuring and scientific appliances 
27 Horological instruments 
28 Jewelry and precious-metal ware 
29 Brooms, brushes, and dusters 
30 Crockery, earthenware, and porcelain 
31 Filters and refrigerators 
32 Furniture and upholstery 
33 Glassware 
34 Heating, lighting, and ventilating apparatus 
35 Belting, hose, machinery packing, and nonmetallic tires 
36 Musical instruments and supplies 
37 Paper and stationery 
38 Prints and publications 
39 Clothing 
40 Fancy goods, furnishings, and notions 
41 Canes, parasols, and umbrellas 
42 Knitted, netted, and textile fabrics, and substitutes thereof 
43 Thread and yarn 
44 Dental, medical, and surgical appliances 
45 Soft drinks and carbonated waters 
46 Foods and ingredients of foods 
47 Wines 
48 Malt beverages and liquors 
49 Distilled alcoholic liquors 
50 Merchandise not otherwise classified 
51 Cosmetics and toilet preparations 
52 Detergents and soaps 

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Narrowing down a list of potential new trademarks takes valuable time and resources, and when one or more candidates are under consideration, you need the most reliable options. Corsearch Screening makes it easy to knock out any marks unfit for full legal clearance. 


Class Description 
100 Miscellaneous 
101 Advertising and business 
102 Insurance and financial 
103 Construction and repair 
104 Communication 
105 Transportation and storage 
106 Material treatment 
107 Education and entertainment 

Collective Membership

Class Description 
200 Collective membership 
201 Goods 
202 Services 

Certification Marks 

Class Description 
Class A Goods 
Class B Services 

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From trademark clearance to brand protection, Corsearch provides a comprehensive program that enables businesses to secure brand value and thrive commercially. 

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