
In-House Counsels on How to Be a Better Business Partner in Uncertain Economic Times

  • Trademark Solutions
In-House Counsels on How to Be a Better Business Partner in Uncertain Economic Times

In pre-pandemic times, the narrative had fixed strongly on the expectation that in-house (and external!) counsel would ‘do more with less’. While this certainly presented challenges, many rose to those challenges. A number of solutions were employed – using technology to help bridge the increasing gap between what needed to get done and available resources, examining workflows and processes for inefficiencies and making some tough triage choices in relation to portfolios.

Of course, this wasn’t all bad. Many in-house teams emerged victorious with leaner processes and better tools to help them. So you might ask yourself, in this new economic contracture, what’s left to give as we enter the era of ‘do even more with much less’?

The role of third-party partners in shouldering their share of the pressures is one where Corsearch excels in providing support, flexibility, billing options and the range of services to help you manage this feat. And in this webinar, we bring expert tips from seasoned in-house professionals to power your portfolio and budget management over the coming years!

Access the webinar recording