Ebooks and Guides
Brand Protection RFP Checklist
- Brand Protection

Using a People, Process, and Technology Framework to Assess Your Solution Provider
Whether it’s your first foray into the world of Brand Protection or you’re re-evaluating options, you’ll need the right blend of AI-powered technology and expert human input to ensure your future program is successful.
This checklist will help you orientate and navigate through the key attributes to assessing a solution providers’ services across People, Technology, and Process. View this asset to learn the key capabilities to include in your RFP, from comprehensive coverage and enforcement workflows to seamless client and vendor onboarding – and all the components between.
You’ll discover the importance of:
🤖 Advanced technology to build a full picture of infringement and prioritize the greatest threats
💡 Dedicated analysts to provide swift enforcement, expert insight, and guidance
🎓 Comprehensive onboarding and platform training to get your program up and running