
Trademark Search Service & Reports: Corsearch Reviews What To Look For

  • Trademark Solutions
Trademark Search Service & Reports: Corsearch Reviews What To Look For

When you’re clearing trademarks, you need a trademark search service that offers a truly complete picture of potential showstoppers or other problems. This is particularly true in the case of the USPTO, where trademark requirements must adhere to specified standards in order to ensure a smooth application process.

The protection of your brand begins long before it exists in the physical and online spaces. It starts with comprehensive trademark searching by expert research analysts to ensure clearance and a strong foundation for protection.

Comprehensive Trademark Searching and Support

At Corsearch, we believe your trademark search service should offer:

  • Extensive trademark search types. Corsearch offers a wide range of industry-specific, common law and web result searches including; U.S. Comprehensive, International, Design, Pharmaceutical and many more search types. In addition, Corsearch offers the industry-first Cannabis Industry Search.
  • Experienced trademark researchers. Proactive and highly trained trademark analysts add human guidance to our powerful search engine to offer you the best trademark searching solution and support.
  • An Intuitive Platform, allowing you to review and analyze your results in an innovative & collaborative space and enabling you to create customizable reports. (more about reports below)
  • Data Quality and Reliability. Accurate, complete and current data ensures the highest standards of quality and excellence.
  • Darts-IP Case Law Integration. Darts-ip litigation information integrated within Corsearch search and watch reports provides ground-breaking insight into risk potential of specific marks of interest.
  • In-Use Investigations. Protect your assets and manage risk with a discreet In-Use Investigation to determine whether a specific mark is already in use.
  • Trademark Investigative Tools. Launch follow-up online investigations directly from each record of your search report and capture the investigative content along with your chart for reporting purposes. Only on the Corsearch Platform!

Choose “Green”, Organized, And Easy-To-Read Reports

If all trademark search reports were made equal, we wouldn’t even bring it up. Corsearch listens to its clients, and on an on-going basis, finds new ways to continue to add enhancements to its reports to ensure your results are environmentally-friendly, organized and as easy-to-read as possible:

  • We choose “Green-By-Default.” Corsearch has partnered with to choose Planting Over Printing. Starting September 1, 2019, reports will be sent electronically only by default (hard copies can still be ordered), as we strive to minimize waste and be an even better corporate citizen.
  • Key trademark results listed right up front.  Rather than sifting through pages of search results to find the needle in the haystack,  key data points appear front and center — ready for your immediate attention and action.
  • An indexed and linked PDF, so you can review reports both off- and online.
  • The highest quality data. Accuracy matters. Data must be of the highest possible quality, accuracy, and reliability.
  • Easy-to-read, attractive format. The content needs to be easy-to-read, well-organized, and formatted clearly, listing the information you need efficiently. Content should be visually clear and enhanced with charts and graphs to save you time and help you communicate results with others.
  • Organized results for easy navigation. The organization of trademark details should be done intelligently, with the most important information first and the rest easy to find. This is particularly important for the goods and services you’re most interested in.
  • A convenient summary. Trademark work doesn’t end with a search report listing results, it should include a high-level summary of the most critical findings.

At Corsearch, we’ve listened to clients and continue to make exciting and important enhancements to our reports to make them the most relevant, easy-on-the-eyes and easy-to-use reports available on the market today.  These enhancements reflect the same best in class quality and service that defines Corsearch and the goodwill associated with its brand.

At the end of the day, the search is about reliability and quality. We need our search reports to be on-target with pertinent references. That’s why we come to Corsearch. The organization of the material and the ease of customizing charts streamlines the analysis and reporting to clients, and saves us valuable time.

Susan Upton Douglass, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu

If you are ready to accelerate and upgrade your trademark search process, contact us for a sample report.