
Corsearch Green: Choosing Planting Over Printing

Corsearch Green: Choosing Planting Over Printing

Deforestation and waste

Have you ever looked at the reams of paper on and around your desk and thought, “did I really need that printed?!”

Each year, Americans trash enough office paper to build a 12-foot wall from Los Angeles to New York City. U.S. businesses now use about 21 million tons of paper every year. That’s about 175 pounds of paper for each American. (source) And Corsearch has committed to lessening its impact on waste paper and deforestation. and Corsearch is the oldest national conservation organization in the United States, and remains a leading force for forest conservation. In short, they are responsible for forest expansion, increasing the tree canopy in many major cities and urban areas, and the planting of almost 60 million trees.

In 2011 Corsearch became a corporate partner with American Forests, and began offering search customers the option to receive reports in electronic form only, skipping the paper. For each paper trademark report not printed, Corsearch then made a donation to American Forests to, you guessed it, plant trees.

We’re proud to report that this partnership has resulted in the replanting of over 30,000 trees. So far.

Today Corsearch renews its commitment to being a good corporate citizen, and announces a service change designed to help us all do our part.

SERVICE UPDATE: Planting over printing, by default

Beginning September 1, 2019,  Corsearch will only be delivering search reports to our North American customers electronically, unless a paper copy is requested.  Of course, upon request, we will provide a paper copy.

Customers will have the ability to review their electronic reports via:

  • Corsearch platform
  • Mobile for offline review (North America and UK Clients)
  • PDF

For customers who keep the default to receive their reports electronically, Corsearch will make a donation for each report to American Forests to aid in the reforestation of areas devastated by wild fires, pestilence and disease.

With this service change, we will:

  • partner with our customers as we have with American Forests,
  • reduce the paper waste in your workflow,
  • and make a larger contribution toward the conservation and replanting of forestlands.

It’s Corsearch’s sincere hope we can all work together to make an even greater difference for the planet.

For any questions about this service change or program details, please Contact Us.

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