Next-Generation TrademarkNow product demonstration and free trial offer
Corsearch is delighted to invite you to an exclusive demonstration of its next-generation TrademarkNow platform – where AI precision and expert decision intersect at 15:30hrs on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at the Corsearch office at Vuorikatu 14A, Helsinki, Uusimaa 00100 Finland.
Title: Next Generation TrademarkNow product demonstration and free trial
Date: Wednesday 11 December 2024
Time: 15:30hrs to 19:00hrs
Location: Corsearch office, Vuorikatu 14A, Helsinki, Uusimaa 00100 Finland
Why attend?
By attending this event, you will qualify for a free two-week trial subscription to our next-generation TrademarkNow platform:
- Discover how our integrated platform simplifies and streamlines trademark management, bringing all essential tools to your fingertips.
- Explore the latest advancements in AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, large language models, and image recognition, and how they revolutionize trademark searching and monitoring.
- Learn how early detection capabilities can proactively protect your intellectual property rights, mitigate risks, and preserve the value of your brands in the competitive marketplace.
15:30-16:00hrs Registration and coffee
16:00-17:15hrs Next generation TrademarkNow demonstration, product development roadmap and Q&A
17:15-19:00hrs Informal drinks
Refreshments will be available from 15:30hrs and the event will start promptly at 16:00hrs. The formal proceedings will conclude at 17:15hrs and will be followed by an opportunity to network with other attendees over drinks, concluding at around 19:00hrs.
If you would like to attend this exclusive next-generation TrademarkNow demonstration and claim your free trial subscription to our next-generation TrademarkNow platform, please reply using the button above by Monday 9th December 2024.