Measuring the ROI of Online Brand Protection: Featuring Research from Forrester

As brands increasingly rely on selling online, they open up more opportunities for growth. However, this also exposes them to a greater risk of infringement online.
Online brand protection is a rapidly evolving industry and – despite knowing it benefits their business – brands can have difficulty measuring its ROI.
To address this, Corsearch, a leading online brand protection provider commissioned Forrester Consulting, part of the renowned research and advisory firm to conduct an independent in-depth study using its established ‘Total Economic Impact™’ methodology on four global brands.
In this webinar, guest speaker Forrester consultant Jan ten Sythoff shares the results of this exclusive research. Access the recording to see the significant outcomes leading brands have achieved from their online brand protection and how they have measured them.
- Revenue increase from the elimination of counterfeit listings
- Productivity gains through increased legal and business intelligence capabilities
- Incremental compensation from successful litigation