Lightning-fast AI and insights from 1,000+ sources. Get a 2-week free trial of the next generation TrademarkNow.
Create a Brand
Generate potential names and screen at scale
Clear a Trademark
Check mark viability with full clearance tools
Watch a Trademark
Monitor infringing trademark filings globally
Trademark Solutions
How we combine technology and expertise
Corsearch TrademarkNow
The next generation of Trademark Solutions
Stop Counterfeits
Find and remove counterfeits on all channels
Stop Impersonation
Tackle broad threats from sophisticated actors
Stop Gray Markets
Tackle gray market and distribution threats
Track & Protect Domain Names
Register, renew, and protect domains
Brand Protection Solutions
Protects consumers from counterfeits and monitors distribution channels
Mondelēz International
Removes unlicensed products and improves social media governance
Maintains control of digital channels to prevent revenue leakage
Collaborates with the wider business to support e-commerce strategy
Film & TV
Prevent illegal streaming and digital downloads of film and TV content
Gaming & Software
Tackle softlifting, illegal downloads of video games, and software piracy
Publishing & Media
Combat distribution of pirated ebooks, audiobooks, and editorialized content
Tackle stream ripping, illegal streams, torrents, and P2P sharing of music
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Form Embeds 9th Aug 2024